Friday 26 September 2008

What a Lark......

Or rather not a lark. Well, at least in the very short time Chris Hubbard and I were at Bardon Hill trying to catch up with the earlier sighting of Woodlark on the mound. Scant consolation for clambering up there (I used to feel less out of breath when I smoked I think...) were several Jays, a flyover Lesser Redpoll and, on the downward descent, a noticeably large number of Goldcrest.


The Drunkbirder said...

Hi Russ,

I didn't get there myself... hate Bardon Hill for the same reason. I'm knackered when I go up there. Note to self, must get fitter!

I have added Chris Hubbard to my VC55 list where i send out first reports of rare birds in VC55. Get Chris to forward on any news as i can't get anymore in the group on my mobile. If you find anything yourself get the news to Chris who will get it to me. Cheers.

Russ Malin said...

Cheers John. Will do. You wont get any news from Chris unless he happens to bump into something bird wise whilst on a golf course!! I think that he's part exchanged his Zeiss for a new set of clubs......

The Drunkbirder said...

As long as we get access to the Golf Club for the Mega!