Friday 25 January 2008

Grown Up Writing

I've finally finished putting pen to paper on a mega project that has been consuming my evenings and weekends since late November, not to mention valuable time over Xmas when I should have been in the pub. At the back end of last year I was approached (that bit is a little long winded and I'll explain how it came about another day) to contribute to a forthcoming Encyclopedia of British Birds by a publishing company in London. I'm one of four contributors and the others include Dominic Couzens and Steve Moss who are both proper grown up writers !!! It went really, really well and I've also been commissioned to do a reasonable slice of the North American version as well. It's been time consuming but great fun. I honestly don't know whether it will lead to other things or not, but I've enjoyed immensely and big thanks to Flame Tree Publishing, Big Blu Design and particularly to Sonya for her help, advice and perhaps most importantly, patience! Publication is July of this year and as soon as I know how you can acquire a copy I'll let you all know. I have to admit secretly that it will be great to get out this weekend and watch some birds rather than write about them though.

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